POS Transactions, Due Date, and Commission Tracking
Manage your POS collections effectively and ensure compliance with the contract terms. Monitor and audit commission records for any discrepancies or violations.
Get a consolidated view of all your transactions across physical and virtual POS systems, analyze them, and automate the accounting process.
Track the amount of POS transactions for each bank on specific payment terms to efficiently manage your cash flow.
Compare and analyze POS transaction reports.
Create campaigns based on card usage analysis.
Efficiently Manage Your POS Collections
Efficiently manage your POS collections, view your physical and POS collections on a single dashboard. Automate accounting integration with your ERP and commercial systems. Easily access POS transaction control reports. Manage your campaigns with comparative POS reports and card usage analysis.
All Banks' POS Transaction Details on a Single Screen!
Centrally manage all POS collections for each member merchant. Monitor transaction amount, installments, commission amount, commission rate, value date and the amount to be credited to your account in accordance with your bank agreement. Streamline and control them all from a single platform.
Automate the Accounting of Your POS Payments/Collections
Allow Manim to automatically collect your POS data via SFTP/FTP/Web services. If needed, you can manually upload files or take advantage of the bulk data transfer feature.
Transfer your customer payments and POS collection records to your ERP/Commercial system automatically on a merchant basis.
Plan Your Future POS Collections and Track Them on a Daily Basis
Keep track of all your POS collections to be collected by Bank and make effective cash management.
POS Usage Analysis
Easily report correct or incorrect usage analysis conducted on your bank POS devices.
- API platform
- Banka entegrasyon programları
- Banka Entegrasyonu
- Banka Entegrasyonu Nedir
- Banka Hesap Hareketleri
- Banka hesap hareketleri takip
- Başkasının banka hesap hareketlerini görme
- DijitalDönüşüm
- DijitalTahsilat
- DijitalÇek
- Düşük maliyet
- ElektronikÇek
- ERP Banka Entegrasyonu
- Erp Integration
- Erp is
- Erp meaning
- Erp software
- Faturalandırma
- FinansalGüvenlik
- Gerçek zamanlı
- GüvenliÖdeme
- Kolay Muhasebe ERP Entegrasyonu
- Kolay ve Akıllı Entegrasyon
- Kurumsal Kaynak Planlaması
- MaliRiskYönetimi
- Mevzuat uyum
- MobilÇekÇözümü
- Muhasebe
- Muhasebe(ERP) Programı Entegrasyonu
- Online Banka API Entegrasyonu
- Online Banking Integration
- Online Hesap Hareketleri
- Online Tahsilat Sistemi
- Proje Yönetimi
- Risk azaltma
- Risk yönetimi
- SaaS
- Satın alma
- Tedarik zinciri
- Tüm bankalar
- Tüm bankalar ile entegre
- Veri bütünlüğü
- ÇekToplama
- Ürün stok yönetimi
- İşletmeÇözümleri