Mobil Cihanız ile Çek Toplayın, Anlık ERP kaydı oluşturun
manim, geliştirdiği modüller ile çek ve senetlerinizin, müşteriden alındıkları andan tahsil vadelerine kadar geçen süreci dijital ortamda takip edebilmenizi sağlar.
Çeklerinizi ve senetleriniz sahada sisteme kaydedin ve ERP ye taşıyın.

Just Snap a Photo and Go!
Çek ve senetlerinizi ile ilk andan itibaren kayıt altına alın.
Record Cheque and Promissory Notes from the Field
Your field staff can use the Manim mobile application to capture the image of the document and record it in the system simultaneously.
Syncing Data Flow with ERP
Manim ensures that any data entry or update made in its system or the ERP system will be reflected in both systems. The system prevents duplicate records, ensuring the uniqueness of data.
Cheque Data Which is Ready for Transfer to ERP
By scanning the QR information on the cheques, the authenticity of the cheque can be verified, and the obtained drawer data can be transferred to the system in a ready-to-record state. With just one click, the check can be seamlessly transferred to the ERP system once it reaches the center.
Automatic Collection Recording
It automatically scans your bank accounts It also automatically matches the payment records of the checks and promissory notes you issued, allows you to update their status online.