Monitor All Your Online DDS Transactions in Real-Time from a Single Screen.
Manim provides real-time tracking of your direct debit limits, payments, and collections, allowing you to effectively monitor your limit/risk and identify any gaps on a customer/parent company level. It helps you plan your cash flow.

Track the credit limits of all your dealership customers in real-time, seamlessly integrate with your ERP and Commercial systems to send invoices to your preferred bank, monitor invoice payment statuses in real-time, and access instant reports on a bank or dealership basis. Boost your sales potential.
DDS Payment/Collection Tracking
Track Your DDS Payments and Collections in One Consolidated Module with the Online Direct Debit System (DDS).
Online Registration Processing
Manim enables you to track your account transactions online and automatically updates your current risk information by instantly matching your DDS payments and collections.
DDS Limit Monitoring
Experience the convenience of tracking your existing DDS limits for Main Company, Customers, and Banks all in one consolidated screen.