ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is a software system that integrates and manages all business processes within an organization. This system facilitates data sharing among different departments, automates and accelerates business processes, and increases efficiency. ERP software has the capability to bring together activities such as finance, accounting, inventory management, sales and marketing, supply chain, and human resources on a single platform. It ensures data integrity among different parts of the company, enables better tracking and management of processes, and allows organizations to achieve their best performance.

Without using an ERP system in an organization, various challenges can be encountered. For example, the lack of data integration between different departments can result in the use of incorrect or inconsistent data, which negatively affects decision-making processes. Additionally, the complexity of business processes can increase. Due to the data exchange and communication gaps, information often needs to be manually transferred to the system, leading to time wastage and errors. Workforce productivity decreases while the efficiency and speed of processes also decline. Moreover, deficiencies can arise in critical areas such as inventory management, financial reporting, and customer relations. All these challenges negatively impact the competitiveness and operational efficiency of an organization, which is why companies benefit from using an ERP system in areas such as financial management, process automation, data integration, reporting and analysis, inventory and supply chain management, and customer relationship management.

When an ERP system is not integrated with bank account transactions, risks and drawbacks arise for the sales, finance, and logistics departments. Cash flow problems such as collection issues and payment delays occur. Additionally, the inability to accurately and instantly manage open account limits provided to customers leads to increased collection risk. In organizations with a holding/group company structure, the lack of real-time data integration inevitably results in difficulties in financial decision-making. Here are a few examples:

Issues that may arise in cash sales:

For instance, in alcohol and tobacco industry, cash sales are commonly conducted, and deliveries are usually made after payment is received. Therefore, effectively tracking instant payments and integrating them with an ERP/commercial system is of great importance. Otherwise, deliveries may be delayed, leading to stock accumulation and other negative situations. Since significant amounts of collection are involved in these sectors, the rapid execution of payments and deliveries benefits organizations in terms of financial/cash management.

Issues that may arise in open account sales:

ERP sistemleri ile tahsilat sistemi (banka nakit ödeme) online entegre edilmeden kullanıldığında, satış, finans ve lojistik departmanları için tahsilat, ürün tedarik, stok ve teslimat süreçlerinde gecikme, riskler ve olumsuzluklar ortaya çıkar.  Açık hesap vadeli satışlarda ERP sisteminin online tahsilat entegrasyonu eksikliği ciddi sorunlara yol açar. Manuel olarak yönetilen tahsilat süreçleri gecikmelere ve hatalara sebep olabilir. Bu durum, nakit akışında aksamalara ve finansal belirsizliklere neden olur. Ayrıca, ürün tedarik, stok yönetimi ve teslimat süreçleri de olumsuz etkilenir, verimsizlik ve müşteri memnuniyetsizlikleri yaşanır. Tüm bunlar şirketlerin rekabet gücünü kaybetmesine ve mali kayıplarla karşılaşmasına yol açabilir.

Issues faced by the Financial Manager (Cash Management)

In organizations with a holding/group company structure, the absence of online bank integration results in the manual tracking of hundreds of payments, leading to payment discrepancies and errors. Efficient and accurate financial/cash management is crucial due to numerous transactions that require real-time tracking.

Our developed Manim ERP bank integration solution facilitates financial and cash management by allowing you to track account balances in all banks on a single platform. You can receive instant notifications about bank transactions, integrate them with your ERP/accounting application according to your workflow, and automate your accounting processes. Additionally, with the Manim API platform, you can easily create your own application and custom solutions, and integrate them with various Manim products using a modern REST API infrastructure. You can connect to modules in your ERP system through the Manim API and benefit from new integration possibilities. The Manim platform, which you can use securely on cloud technology or your own server, allows you to track your reports with up-to-date information, access your collections, payments, cash, and bank balances in real-time. The installation process is quick and simple.

With increasing globalization, competition compels companies to make their business operations more productive, efficient, and integrated. In this context, Manim finance solution and ERP integration solution offer a reliable solution by enhancing efficiency through the integration of business processes and strengthening decision-making processes. You can choose Manim ERP integration solution to create a competitive advantage for your organization, enhance performance, and make processes more efficient.